お知らせ Information

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お知らせ Information








The Ukina no Akari Information Desk will be closed for in-person services on September 30, 2024 (Monday).
Please note that phone inquiries will not be answered throughout the day.
Replies to email inquiries will also be provided starting from the following day.
Thank you for your understanding.

The Ukina no Akari Information Desk


「山小屋吉丁」は、福岡県筑紫野市で40年以上愛される「旬菜酒家 吉丁」の別荘の一部を改装して誕生する宿です。天井の高い山小屋風の室内にカウンターキッチンを備え、「旬菜酒家 吉丁」が出張して提供するお食事付きプランも準備中です。


フリーダイヤル 0120-502-076
メール contact@ukihano-akari.com



「旬菜酒家 吉丁」が出張!名物『あぐー豚の豆乳しゃぶ鍋』コース付きプラン
2名様平日 52,000円〜

「旬菜酒家 吉丁」が出張!九州産A5ランク黒毛和牛やあぐー豚の贅沢BBQプラン
2名様平日 62,000円〜

旬菜酒家 吉丁のホームページ|旬菜酒家 吉丁

小塩の灯り「石垣の別荘」アクセスと入室方法のご案内(Ishigaki Villa access and entry Instructions)

Thank you for booking Kojio no Akari “Ishigaki Villa.”The method of access and entry to the inn is as follows.


Add:2634 Kojio, Ukiha machi, Ukiha City, Fukuoka Prefecture



The parking area can accommodate about 2-3 cars in front of the gate and an additional 2 cars on the level above it. Please note that there is a step at the entrance.
Additionally, the road is a curved slope, so please exercise caution when entering or exiting to avoid collisions with passing vehicles.To prevent serious accidents, we kindly request that you refrain from parking on the street under any circumstances.



About U-turn
The street in front of the hotel is a slope and is in the middle of a big curve.
U-turns on the road are very dangerous, so we recommend making U-turns in large places.
If you climb a little, there is a space where you can make a U-turn in front of Mamino Shrine.


【ご入室方法|Entry Instructions】
A key box is installed next to the gate.

You can open the key box using the 3-digit PIN code provided to you in advance.
After aligning the numbers, turn the round lever on the left to the right to open the cover.

※ There are cases where the guidance email may be found in the spam folder. If you have not received the email, please also check the spam folder.
※ If we do not have your email address or if there is an error and the email cannot be delivered, we will provide guidance via SMS.

Inside the key box, there are two keys for the gate and the entrance.

Insert the key and turn it 90 degrees to the right to unlock. 

There are two locks, the gate and the entrance, so please unlock them in the same way.

●施錠方法|Locking Instructions
To lock, turn the key 90 degrees to the left. 

●鍵の管理について|Key Management
It is strictly prohibited to take the key out. When going out, please always return the key to the key box. Do not forget to lock the key box.

【間取り|Floor Plan

※ You can enlarge the floor plan by clicking on the image.


0943-77-2277(うきはの灯り総合案内カウンター|Ukiha no Akari)

Since emails and messages cannot be checked at night, please contact us by phone if you have any inquiries during your stay.
At night, calls are forwarded to the company mobile phone of the on-duty staff. If the call is not answered due to activities such as bathing, we will call you back.

Kojio Firefly Festival 2024 | Ukiha Event Information

In the Kojio area, which is called the “Firefly Village,” tens of thousands of fireflies fly around in the early summer.
The “Kojio Firefly Festival” is held at this time.

Date and time: Friday, May 31, 2024 – Saturday, June 1, 2024 at 6 p.m.

During the period, local people will set up stalls in each area, and viewing spots will be created with ingenuity such as bamboo lights.

Viewing spots: 13 places

* Please see the map below for viewing spots. There is a sign with the same number at the spot.
* Fireflies start flying around 20 o’clock. You can’t see it on rainy days.

In addition, there will be stalls by local residents.

Nakazaki Community Center 中崎公民館 (MAP 6)
Hotaru Park ほたる公園(MAP 7)
Onagoo Venue 女子尾会場 (MAP 10)
Shiratuchi Venue 白土会場 (MAP 11)
Daimochi Venue 大持会場(MAP 13)

[About the parking lot] 
・The former Kojio Elementary School ground is open as a parking lot. When parking, please follow the guidance of the staff.

[Request to customers who come to the festival]
・ It is expected to be crowded on the day of the event. Along the way, you will be guided by signs and signs. Also, please follow the guidance of the staff.
・Please do not throw away trash and take it home by yourself.

Kojio self-governing council

TEL: 0943-77-4835

小塩ほたる祭り2024 | うきはイベント情報





出店場所:中崎公民館(MAP⑥)・ほたる公園(MAP⑦)・女子尾会場(MAP⑩)・白土会場(MAP 11)・大持会場(MAP13)



小塩地区自治協議会 0943-77-4835

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