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佐藤家つつじ園|Sato’s house room for rent.


We would like to introduce you to the Sato’s house room for rent..
This is the house where the owner, Mr./Mrs. Sato, lives.
It is a room rental, but it is limited to one group per day.


ベッドはなく、お布団でお休み頂きます。 客室は内側から鍵が掛けられますが、外側からは鍵が掛けられません。
This is the Japanese-style room on the second floor.
There is no bed, and you can sleep on a futon. Rooms are locked from the inside, but not from the outside.

The amenities in this room are as follows.

  • 37型テレビ    
  • DVD、ブルーレイ
  • 冷蔵庫
  • コーヒーメーカー
  • 電気ポット
  • コップ、湯呑み
  • お茶、コーヒー
  • サランラップ、アルミホイル
  • 果物ナイフ


トイレはお客様専用です。 お風呂はオーナーとの共用です。

  • 37-inch TV
  • DVD, Blu-ray
  • refrigerator
  • Coffeemaker
  • Electric kettle
  • Cups, teacups
  • Tea and coffee
  • Saran wrap, aluminum foil
  • chopsticks
  • Paring knife

In addition, towels, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, body soap, hair dryers, etc. are also available.

Please note that the toilet is for guests only. The bath is shared with the owner.


There is also a handmade open-air bath. Here is a picture of it.

Wi-Fiもあります。 2階の客室からは屋上に上がれます。景色が良く、夜は星を眺めながらのんびり過ごせます。

Wi-Fi is also available.
The rooms on the second floor have access to the rooftop. The scenery is good, and you can spend a relaxing time at night while looking at the stars.

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