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Information on how to enter the room of Ukiha Kojio no Akari

Thank you for using Ukiha Kojio no Akari.
At our inn, we have a contactless check-in method.
Please take out the key from the key box and enter the room.

A khaki key box is on the left side of the entrance.

There is an input panel for the number key, so please match the 3-digit PIN to the number you told us in advance.
Please twist that knob to the right and the key box will open.

When you open the lid, there are two keys inside. Please take this one.

Open the orange door with the key that says “木戸 Kido”.

Once you’re on wood deck, please move forward.

There are three window sashs, so please open the key attached to the front window with the key labeled “ガラス戸 glass door” and enter the room.

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